Leadership Doc

President:  Leads weekly meetings, guides leadership and membership, oversees the health of the chapter, ensures chapter communication and attends/participates or ensures leadership meetings have a chapter rep.  Selects leadership team and replaces team members as needed.  Maintains membership card box


VP-  Runs meeting in President absence, Oversees membership committee and visitor hosts.  Holds the tie breaking vote in all membership activities.  Ensures that applications are processed within on week and set ups first one to one with new members.  Membership team should be 3-5 members depending on chapter size.  VP oversees all chapter membership issues in conjunction with membership committee. Calls and informs all applicants if they are approved or not.  Drives the focused visitor invite meetings.  Ensures that visitor hosts are selected, and duties covered each week.  Taking visitor sheet and following up with thank you email and invite back.  Minimum 1 visitor host for each 10 members.


Secretary:  Runs meeting if no President or VP in attendance.  Completes and distributes weekly chapter report.  Reports numbers each week in meeting.  Tracks all membership application and renewals, giving them 30 days notice of renewals.  Tracks member sponsors and ensure new members each have a sponsor.  If the sponsor is from another chapter, a sponsor from your chapter should be assigned.  Ensures copies of applications and payments are forwarded immediately to office.  Communicates, tracks payment arrangements that they are collected on time.  Handles and reports on any chapter funds that are not membership dues related.  Overseees the Activity Coordinator for the chapter


Activity Coordinator: Creates chapter facebook page (making one other member admin with them).  Creates weekly meeting post, works with other chapters on network and chapter events.  Works with non-profit seat   and their activities.

Membership Committee:  Runs the chapter business!  Ensures all applications are processed within one week.  Ensures that all chapter members have a stake in the chapter and individual goals.  Enforces all network guidelines and policies.  Process chapter renewal applications.  Reviews and approves any needed leave of absence.  Communicates with members as needed for chapter health.  Settles all disputes.


Visitor Host:  Arrives 15 minutes early each meeting.  Greets guests and has them complete Visitor Survey form.  Introduces Visitors during meeting agenda for both intro and 60 seconds.  Sends follow up email thanking the guests for attending and invites back.  Reports to membership committee if visitor is interested in joining.