


Presidents:  When inducting new members to your chapter, please read the following pledge.  The inductees should raise their right hand, wait for all statements to be read aloud, and respond with “I agree”.


  1. I will demonstrate my support to the chapter by being in the meeting room and ready to network on time, every week.


  1. I will give high-quality, permission based referrals, not leads.


  1. Whenever possible, I will change my personal buying to suitable members of my GN Chapter or members of other GN chapters.


  1. I will practice honesty, truthfulness and integrity when representing my profession and GN.


  1. I will personally be responsible for the follow-up on all referrals received and deliver world-class service in return.


  1. At all times, I will display a positive, excited and supportive attitude toward GN Leaders and Members.


  1. I have read, and agree to abide by, all the GN Membership Guidelines and follow all GN policies.