Presidents Agenda

GN Presidents Agenda:


11:30 Open Networking (announce so visitors are aware)

11:45 Call meeting to Order

Education or Inspirational moment (2-3 minutes)

Welcome, silence phones and introduce leadership (Pres, VP, Sec)

Have Visitor Host intro visitors that day and acknowledge who invited them.

VP report to include any applications pending or renewals

Secretary report includes account balance, collection of chapter dues if any upcoming birthdays etc

Pass card box and explain for membership only to place cards in and visitors can take.

Remind visitors they can freely share their cards with the membership

Start 60 seconds (tell visitors you will come back to them but subs go in order like members)

Have visitor host reintroduce each visitor for their 60 seconds

Intro ten minute speaker ( remind them you will give them the heads up at 3 minutes left do not let questions exceed the ten minutes invite them to be addressed with speaker after meeting closes)

Make any chapter announcements and announce the “I have time” one to ones, testimonial or thank you for closed business (encourage each member to thank visitors for coming and speaker for sharing)

Share how each visitor would fit in your or another chapter and how to become a member..share 4 or no more!

1:00 PM Close meeting and invite those that can continue to network