Generosity Network Website
To submit an application or visit a chapter’s page, select “Chapters” on the upper right side.
For mobile users, push the three yellow bars in the upper right hand corner.
Scroll down to chapter listings and select “View Chapter”.
To submit an application, select “Apply Now”
***Once you have been approved to become a member, you will need to send the following information to Allison Tabor at to create your listing on the website:
1. Name
2. Business Name
3. Preferred Phone Number
4. Preferred Email Address
5. Business Website Address
6. 2-3 short sentences about your business and what you do
7. Headshot Photo
Public Facebook Page:
GN Midsouth – Business Before Traffic
Like page, invite your friends and colleagues to like the page.
This is the page where all weekly meetings are hosted, as well as all the individual chapter pages
Public page with a strong following
You can post here everyday about your business.
This is also the page where you can post any side hustles
Private – Members Only Facebook Page:
Generosity Network – Memphis/Midsouth Chapters
Once the request is approved, we recommend that you introduce yourself, your chapter, your seat in that chapter, and what you do.
You can advertise here everyday and we encourage you to do so. Just remember, that on the members only Facebook page, you always represent your seat within the network. This is not the place to represent any side hustles
Members only events that we host are generated from this page because they are private events.
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